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Collection API

The Riverty Collection API is designed to streamline and optimize the integration with our debt collection products. Our RESTful API uses JSON for data interchange, has predictable resource-oriented URLs, and employs standard HTTP authentication, verbs and response codes.

Our Collection API offers a variety of endpoints tailored for the debt collection process. Clients can use these endpoints for tasks such as:

  • Claim transfers: Facilitate efficient and seamless transfer of claim and customer-related information.
  • Recalls: Provide a reliable and swift claim withdrawal process to clients.
  • Rejections and closings: Ensure secure and precise handling of claim returns and closings.
  • Retrieval of accounting information: Offer easy and quick access to accounting information, for financial transparency and to facilitate the customer's bookkeeping.

Our documentation provides comprehensive guidance on implementing our API, covering procedures, endpoint utilization and required data for effective and compliant debt collection.

API Benefits

Our Collection API offers numerous advantages over traditional file-based data exchange formats, making it an indispensable tool for customer communication in the future:

  • Standardized and industry-specific: The API is designed to set standards while meeting the needs of different industries and markets. This results in lower maintenance efforts and we expect a significantly improved onboarding of new clients.
  • Efficient and optimized information retrieval: Data can now be retrieved in near real-time (depending on availability in the backend system) without any additional effort. This saves time and resources and ensures that information is always up-to-date.
  • International integration: Our new data exchange architecture enables integration with all our debt collection systems, providing international customers with a unified connection across all markets. This greatly simplifies the data exchange processes and ensures seamless integration across national borders.

Please Note: For industry-specific questions, please speak with our marketing/sales representatives or your key account manager.