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Create a Subscription Product

After creating a Create a Consumer you're ready to create a subscription. Creating a subscription will trigger the Riverty risk assessment and allow you to start new subscription periods after. You can create a subscription using the following:

Same as in the subscription API we distinguish between a:
Standard subscription where the consumer is allowed to cancel before each new period
Commitment cycle subscription where the consumer is obligated to use the subscription for a minimum defined time period before being able to cancel the subscription

Only subscriptions with a commitment cycle can make use of contract financing, see Subscription Financing

PUT v1/clients/{{ClientID}}/subscription-products/{{SubscriptionProductID}}

  • ClientID = Your assigned Riverty client-id
  • SubscriptionProductID = Your internal product identifier for the subscription

Example Subscriptions

Standard Monthly Subscription

An example of a classic monthly subscription which automatically renews each month until cancelled by the customer. Riverty finances new subscription periods at the start of each new period.

Example Call - Without Commitment

 "items": [
   "name": "Monthly Gym Subscription - Gold member",
   "price": {
    "grossAmount": 49.95,
    "vatPercentage": 20
   "metadata": [
     "key": "order-id",
     "value": "a9ee9996-e941-4aa8-90b9-4b047c4afe87"
   "description": "Gold member subscription (Sauna, Sunbed, Towels & Salad)",
   "isRefundable": true
   "name": "Monthly Gym Subscription - Silver member",
   "price": {
    "grossAmount": 39.95,
    "vatPercentage": 20
   "metadata": [
     "key": "order-id",
     "value": "a9ee9996-e941-4aa8-90b9-4b047c4afe87"
   "description": "Silver member subscription",
   "isRefundable": true
 "period": {
  "type": "MONTH",
  "start": {
   "day": null,
   "type": "ACTIVATION",
   "month": null
 "details": {
  "imageUrl": "https://gymcompany.com/images/gym.png",
  "productUrl": "https://gymcompany.com/subscriptions/15days",
  "description": "Train More Gym Subscription"
 "available": {
  "from": "2022-12-17",
  "until": "2025-12-31"
 "financing": {
  "type": "CONTRACT"
 "termsAndConditions": {
  "billingType": "IN_ADVANCE",
  "description": "Some description about the terms and conditions for this product.",
  "cancellationType": "AFTER_CURRENT_PERIOD"

12 Month Subscription

An example of 12 months subscription where the customer must complete at least 1 cycle of 12 months before the subscription can be cancelled. If the customer doesn't cancel the subscription, it automatically renews for another 12 months. Riverty finances all 12 months at the start of the subscription.

Example Call - With Commitment

 "items": [
   "name": "Monthly Gym Subscription - Gold member",
   "price": {
    "grossAmount": 49.95,
    "vatPercentage": 20
   "metadata": [
     "key": "order-id",
     "value": "a9ee9996-e941-4aa8-90b9-4b047c4afe87"
   "description": "Gold member subscription (Sauna, Sunbed, Towels & Salade)",
   "isRefundable": true
 "period": {
  "type": "MONTH",
  "start": {
   "day": null,
   "type": "ACTIVATION",
   "month": null
 "details": {
  "imageUrl": "https:/gymcompany.com/images/gym.png",
  "productUrl": "https:/gymcompany.com/subscriptions/15days",
  "description": "Train More Gym Subscription"
 "available": {
  "from": "2022-12-17",
  "until": "2025-12-31"
 "financing": {
  "type": "CONTRACT"
 "termsAndConditions": {
  "commitment": {
   "numberOfCycles": 2,
   "numberOfPeriods": 2,
   "endOfCommitmentAction": "CONTINUE_WITHOUT_COMMITMENT"
  "billingType": "IN_ADVANCE",
  "description": "Some description about the terms and conditions for this product.",
  "cancellationType": "AFTER_CURRENT_PERIOD"

12 month subscription with trial that converts into a monthly subscription

An example of a 12-month subscription with a 14-day free trial period, where the customer must complete at least one cycle of 12 months before the subscription can be canceled. After completing the 12-month cycle, the subscription turns into a regular monthly subscription where the customer can cancel at any time. Riverty finances the first 12 months up front, and afterward, each individual period.

Example Request- Trail, 12 Months Commitment, Monthly Upon Expiration.

 "items": [
   "name": "Monthly Gym Subscription - Gold member",
   "price": {
    "grossAmount": 500,
    "vatPercentage": 20
   "metadata": [
     "key": "order-id",
     "value": "a9ee9996-e941-4aa8-90b9-4b047c4afe87"
   "description": "Gold member subscription (Sauna, Sunbed, Towels & Salade)",
   "isRefundable": true
 "trial": {
  "period": {
   "price": {
    "grossAmount": 300,
    "vatPercentage": 20
   "length": "14_DAYS"
  "details": {
   "description": "Free Trial"
 "period": {
  "type": "MONTH",
  "start": {
   "day": null,
   "type": "ACTIVATION",
   "month": null
 "details": {
  "imageUrl": "https:/gymcompany.com/images/gym.png",
  "productUrl": "https:/gymcompany.com/subscriptions/15days",
  "description": "Train More Gym Subscription"
 "available": {
  "from": "2023-12-17",
  "until": "2025-12-31"
 "financing": {
  "type": "CONTRACT"
 "termsAndConditions": {
  "commitment": {
   "numberOfCycles": 2,
   "numberOfPeriods": 12,
   "endOfCommitmentAction": "CONTINUE_WITHOUT_COMMITMENT"
  "billingType": "IN_ADVANCE",
  "description": "Cancellations will take in effect at the end of your 12 months subscription",
  "cancellationType": "AFTER_CURRENT_PERIOD"