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Compliance Requirements


Merchants are required to display Terms & Conditions and a Privacy Policy when offering Riverty Payment methods. The required text and an example checkout are provided below. The bolded words in the below text should be hyperlinked with the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy that apply to the country you are operating in. Please see a complete list of the available Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy links, organized by country, below.

"The general Terms and Conditions and privacy policy apply to the Riverty payment method. "

Compliance Requirements 1.png

Netherlands Code of Conduct

If you plan to offer Riverty's Payment Methods in the Netherlands, please be sure to review the Netherlands Code of Conduct requirements.

Minimum Requirement Guides

Please review our minimum requirement guides if you are based in a Benelux or DACH country.


The before table shows how our invoice payment method should be labeled in different countries

Country Language Product Name
DE, AT, CH English 14-day invoice
DE, AT, CH German Rechnung

Terms & Conditions

DACH – Germany

Payment Method Language URL Text
Invoice German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/de_de/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_invoice/de_de/
Es gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für die Zahlungsmethode Riverty. Die Datenschutzbestimmungen von Riverty findest Du hier.
Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/de_en/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_invoice/de_en/
The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.
Consolidated Invoice German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/consolidated_invoice/de_de/ Es gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für die Zahlungsmethode Riverty. Die Datenschutzbestimmungen von Riverty findest Du hier.
Consolidated Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/consolidated_invoice/de_en/ The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.
Direct Debit German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/direct_debit/de_de/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_direct_debit/de_de/
Ich stimme den Bedingungen für Riverty Lastschriftverfahren zu. Ich habe die Riverty-Datenschutzhinweise zur Kenntnis genommen und verstanden, dass eine Bonitätsprüfung und Maßnahmen zur Betrugsprävention durchgeführt werden.

Ich ermächtige (A) Riverty, Zahlungen von meinem/ unserem Konto mittels Lastschrift einzuziehen. Zugleich (B) weise ich mein Kreditinstitut an, die von Riverty auf mein/ unser Konto gezogenen Lastschriften einzulösen. Hinweis: Ich kann innerhalb von acht Wochen, beginnend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung des belasteten Betrages verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit meinem Kreditinstitut vereinbarten Bedingungen. Weitere Informationen zu meinen Rechten erhalte ich von meiner Bank.
Direct Debit English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/direct_debit/de_en/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_direct_debit/de_en/
The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.

You herewith authorise (A) Riverty to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from Riverty. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank.
Instalments German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/de_de/ Es gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für die Zahlungsmethode Riverty. Die Datenschutzbestimmungen von Riverty findest Du hier.
Instalments English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/de_en/ The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.

DACH – Austria

Payment Method Language URL Text
Invoice German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/at_de/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_invoice/at_de/default
Es gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für die Zahlungsmethode Riverty. Die Datenschutzbestimmungen von Riverty findest Du hier.
Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/at_en/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_invoice/at_de/
The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.
Direct Debit German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/direct_debit/at_de/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_direct_debit/at_de/
Ich stimme den Bedingungen für Riverty Lastschriftverfahren zu. Ich habe die Riverty-Datenschutzhinweise zur Kenntnis genommen und verstanden, dass eine Bonitätsprüfung und Maßnahmen zur Betrugsprävention durchgeführt werden.

Ich ermächtige (A) Riverty, Zahlungen von meinem/ unserem Konto mittels Lastschrift einzuziehen. Zugleich (B) weise ich mein Kreditinstitut an, die von Riverty auf mein/ unser Konto gezogenen Lastschriften einzulösen. Hinweis: Ich kann innerhalb von acht Wochen, beginnend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung des belasteten Betrages verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit meinem Kreditinstitut vereinbarten Bedingungen. Weitere Informationen zu meinen Rechten erhalte ich von meiner Bank.
Direct Debit English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/direct_debit/at_en/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_direct_debit/at_en/
The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.

You herewith authorise (A) Riverty to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from Riverty. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank.
Instalments German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/at_de/ Es gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für die Zahlungsmethode Riverty. Die Datenschutzbestimmungen von Riverty findest Du hier.
Instalments English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/at_en/ The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.

DACH – Switzerland

Payment Method Language URL Text
Invoice German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/ch_de/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_invoice/ch_de/
Ich stimme den Bedingungen für Riverty Lastschriftverfahren zu. Ich habe die Riverty-Datenschutzhinweise zur Kenntnis genommen und verstanden, dass eine Bonitätsprüfung und Maßnahmen zur Betrugsprävention durchgeführt werden.
Invoice French B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/ch_fr/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_invoice/ch_fr/
Les conditions générales de la méthode de paiement Riverty s’appliquent. La politique de confidentialité de Riverty peut être consultée ici.
Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/ch_en/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_invoice/ch_en/
The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.

BENELUX – Netherlands

Payment Method Language URL Text
Invoice Dutch B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/nl_nl/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_invoice/nl_nl/

Je moet minimaal 18+ zijn om deze dienst te gebruiken. Als je op tijd betaalt, voorkom je extra kosten en zorg je dat je in de toekomst nogmaals gebruik kunt maken van de diensten van [Riverty]. Door verder te gaan, accepteer je de Algemene Voorwaarden en bevestig je dat je de Privacyverklaring en Cookieverklaring hebt gelezen.

De Algemene Voorwaarden voor de betaalmethode Riverty zijn van toepassing. Het privacybeleid van Riverty vind je hier.

Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/nl_en/

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/b2b_invoice/nl_en/
You must be at least 18+ to use this service. If you pay on time, you will avoid additional charges and ensure that you can use [Riverty's] services again in the future. By continuing, you accept the Terms and Conditions and confirm that you have read the Privacy Statement and Cookie Statement.
The general Terms and Conditions and privacy policy apply to the Riverty payment method.
Direct Debit Dutch B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/direct_debit/nl_nl/

Je moet minimaal 18+ zijn om deze dienst te gebruiken. Als je op tijd betaalt, voorkom je extra kosten en zorg je dat je in de toekomst nogmaals gebruik kunt maken van de diensten van [Riverty]. Door verder te gaan, accepteer je de Algemene Voorwaarden en bevestig je dat je de Privacyverklaring en Cookieverklaring hebt gelezen.

De Algemene Voorwaarden voor de betaalmethode Riverty zijn van toepassing. Het privacybeleid van Riverty vind je hier.

Hierbij geef je toestemming aan (A) Riverty om je bank opdracht te geven een bedrag van je rekening af te schrijven. Ook geef je toestemming aan (B) je bank om dit bedrag af te schrijven van je rekening in overeenstemming met de opdracht van Riverty. Indien je het niet eens bent met de afschrijving, heb je het recht om deze binnen 8 weken na de betaaldatum terug te boeken in overeenstemming met de voorwaarden van je bank. Je rechten worden verder toegelicht in een verklaring die je kunt krijgen bij je bank.

Direct Debit English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/direct_debit/nl_en/ You must be at least 18+ to use this service. If you pay on time, you will avoid additional charges and ensure that you can use [Riverty's] services again in the future. By continuing, you accept the Terms and Conditions and confirm that you have read the Privacy Statement and Cookie Statement.
The general Terms and Conditions and privacy policy apply to the Riverty payment method.

You herewith authorise (A) Riverty to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from Riverty. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank.
Pay in 3 Dutch B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/pay_in_3/nl_nl/

Je moet minimaal 18+ zijn om deze dienst te gebruiken. Als je op tijd betaalt, voorkom je extra kosten en zorg je dat je in de toekomst nogmaals gebruik kunt maken van de diensten van [Riverty]. Door verder te gaan, accepteer je de Algemene Voorwaarden en bevestig je dat je de Privacyverklaring en Cookieverklaring hebt gelezen.

De Algemene Voorwaarden voor de betaalmethode Riverty zijn van toepassing. Het privacybeleid van Riverty vind je hier.

Pay in 3 English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/pay_in_3/nl_en/ You must be at least 18+ to use this service. If you pay on time, you will avoid additional charges and ensure that you can use [Riverty's] services again in the future. By continuing, you accept the Terms and Conditions and confirm that you have read the Privacy Statement and Cookie Statement.
The general Terms and Conditions and privacy policy apply to the Riverty payment method.

BENELUX – Belgium

Payment Method Language URL Text
Invoice Dutch B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/be_nl/ De Algemene Voorwaarden voor de betaalmethode Riverty zijn van toepassing. Het privacybeleid van Riverty vind je hier.
Invoice French B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/be_fr/ Les conditions générales de la méthode de paiement Riverty s’appliquent. La politique de confidentialité de Riverty peut être consultée ici.
Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/be_en/ The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.

NORDICS – Norway

Payment Method Language URL Text
Invoice Norwegian B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/no_no/{replaceWithMerchantId} De generelle vilkårene for betalingsmetoden Riverty gjelder. Personvernerklæringen for Riverty finner du her.
Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/no_en/{replaceWithMerchantId} The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.
Instalments/ Flex Norwegian B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/no_no/{merchantId} De generelle vilkårene for betalingsmetoden Riverty gjelder. Personvernerklæringen for Riverty finner du her.
Instalments/ Flex English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/no_en/{merchantId} The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.

NORDICS – Sweden

Payment Method Language URL Text
Invoice Swedish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/se_sv/{replaceWithMerchantId} De allmänna villkoren för betalningsmetoden Riverty gäller. Personuppgiftspolicy för Riverty finner du här.
Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/se_en/{replaceWithMerchantId} The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.
Instalments/ Flex Swedish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/flex/se_sv/{merchantId} De allmänna villkoren för betalningsmetoden Riverty gäller. Personuppgiftspolicy för Riverty finner du här.
Instalments/ Flex English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/flex/se_en/{merchantId} The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.

NORDICS – Finland

Payment Method Language URL Text
Invoice Finnish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/fi_fi/{replaceWithMerchantId} Riverty-maksutavan yleiset käyttö- ja sopimusehdot pätevät. Rivertyn tietosuojakäytännön voi lukea täältä.
Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/fi_en/{replaceWithMerchantId} The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.
Invoice Swedish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/fi_sv/{replaceWithMerchantId} De allmänna villkoren för betalningsmetoden Riverty gäller. Personuppgiftspolicy för Riverty finner du här.
Instalments/ Flex Finnish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/fi_fi/{merchantId} Riverty-maksutavan yleiset käyttö- ja sopimusehdot pätevät. Rivertyn tietosuojakäytännön voi lukea täältä.
Instalments/ Flex English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/fi_en/{merchantId} The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.
Instalments/ Flex Swedish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/fi_sv/{merchantId} De allmänna villkoren för betalningsmetoden Riverty gäller. Personuppgiftspolicy för Riverty finner du här.

NORDICS – Denmark

Payment Method Language URL Text
Invoice Danish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/dk_da/{replaceWithMerchantId} De generelle vilkår for betalingsmetoden Riverty gælder. Privatlivspolitik for Riverty finner du her.
Invoice English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/invoice/dk_en/{replaceWithMerchantId} The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.
Instalments/ Flex Danish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/dk_da/{merchantId} De generelle vilkår for betalingsmetoden Riverty gælder. Privatlivspolitik for Riverty finner du her.
Instalments/ Flex English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/terms_conditions/payment_methods/fix_instalments/dk_en/{merchantId} The general Terms and Conditions for the Riverty payment method apply. The privacy policy of Riverty can be found here.

Privacy policy

Country Language URL
Germany German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/de_de

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/b2b_checkout/de_de
Germany English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/de_en

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/b2b_checkout/de_en
Austria German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/at_de

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/b2b_checkout/at_de
Austria English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/at_en

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/b2b_checkout/at_en
Switzerland German B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/ch_de

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/b2b_checkout/ch_de
Switzerland French B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/ch_fr

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/b2b_checkout/ch_fr
Switzerland Italian B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/ch_it
Switzerland English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/ch_en

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/b2b_checkout/ch_en
Netherlands Dutch B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/nl_nl

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/b2b_checkout/nl_nl
Netherlands English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/nl_en

B2B: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/b2b_checkout/nl_en
Belgium Dutch B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/nl_nl
Belgium English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/nl_en
Norway Norwegian B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/no_no
Norway English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/no_en
Sweden Swedish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/se_sv
Sweden English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/se_en
Finland Finnish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/fi_fi
Finland English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/fi_en
Denmark Danish B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/dk_da
Denmark English B2C: https://documents.riverty.com/privacy_statement/checkout/dk_en

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