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Merchant Level

Contact Type Field Description
primaryContact The primary contact is a required field and should be set to the primary business relationship contact for the merchant.
invoiceContact The invoice contact can be set to the primary accounting contact for the merchant. This person will be contacted about any accounting related issues for any of a merchant's shops.
merchantPortalAdmin This contact will be set as the initial user and superadmin for the merchant portal account. This user can then set up additional users at both the merchant and shop level. If this contact is not provided, no merchant portal account will be created.

Shop Level

Contact Type Field Description
operationalContact The operational contact can be set to the operations contact for the shop. If set, this contact will be contacted about any operational topics.
technicalContact The technical contact can be set to the primary IT contact for the shop. If set, this contact will be contacted about any technical related issues specific to the shop.
fraudContact The fraud contact is a required field and should be set to the primary risk contact for the merchant. If set, this contact will be contacted about any fraud related issues specific to the shop.
customerservicePhoneNumber This shop specific contact information will be shown to consumers on any consumer facing communication.
customerserviceEmailAddress This shop specific contact information will be shown to consumers on any consumer facing communication.

Onboarding IDs and Contacts

Partner Onboarding ID Hierarchy

ID Type Field Descriptions
agreementId The Agreement ID is the unique reference for a partner’s set of pre-defined shop settings. Partners will receive a minimum of one Agreement ID per country. A partner may have multiple Agreement IDs (indicating different shop settings) for the same country.
merchantId The Merchant ID is a unique reference to a single merchant. The Merchant ID is provided as a response to the create merchant request.
shopId The Shop ID is a unique reference to a specific combination of trade name, industry code, URL, operating country, etc. A single Merchant ID may have multiple Shop IDs. The first Shop ID is automatically provided in the response to the Create Merchant request, the Add Shop request should be used to create any additional Shop IDs under the same Merchant ID. Note, settlement is done per ShopId.
API Key The API Key is required to gain access to Riverty’s ecommerce API and will be provided by Riverty for each Shop a Merchant sets up. Please note, test API Keys can be automatically received via Riverty’s Test Merchant Portal account. Live API Keys will be provided by Riverty upon completion of KYC and Contract signing (which may be done by the partner).
partnerReference The Partner Reference is a unique idempotency identifier, which ensures that if the Create Merchant or Add Shop request is sent multiple times, the operation is only performed once. Using the same Partner Reference a second time will restart an operation if it was interrupted the first time.
profileTrackingId The profileTrackingId is a unique reference provided to each shop in response to the Get Credentials request. The Profile Tracking ID should be entered as the “CLIENT_ID” in the Profile Tracking tag used during the consumer risk review. Important note, this field is NOT the same of the value provided by the Merchant as a “SESSION_ID” in the Profile Tracking tag, which is entered as the “profileTrackingId” in the Authorize Call.

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