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Consolidated Settlement & Reconciliation

For reconciliation purposes, specifically designed for Partner’s integrations, we provide you with a Consolidated Electronic Payment Advice (C-EPA). Format and structure wise, C-EPA is identical to standard EPA. Unlike standard EPA, C-EPA can contain transactions of multiple merchants which are operating under the same partner umbrella. Also, header of C-EPA will contain total settlement amount towards partner, for all merchants belonging to that respective partner.

The C-EPA file contains Comma-Separated Values (CSV) with payment information that occurred during the Settlement Period.
The C-EPA format consists of two main elements:

  • Header: contains consolidated information of the specific C-EPA file.
  • Transactions: details on single or multiple lines with transaction information.

With intermittent rounding to 2 decimals, the total amount of all transaction Total Settlement Amount added up might not equal the Total Settlement Amount. The Total Settlement Amount mentioned in the C-EPA header should always equal the amount actually transferred to the bank account, unless previous settlement balance was negative. The individual line items are rounded to 2 decimals.

Consolidated EPA Header

The header is the first row in the CSV file, presenting summed amounts and general information. Example:


The header is the first line within a C-EPA file and always starts with ‘H’ (for Header). Table one below describes the other variables in the header and their format.

Variable Name Type Validation
record_type String (1) Constant string with ‘H’ for Header
payout_currency String (3) The settlement currency in ISO 4217, all caps.
Example: “EUR”
total_sale_amount Integer The total sale amount.
Example: 330615 for EUR 3306,1511.
Always + amount, unless there are no sale records, then 0.
total_fee_amount Integer The total fee amount, service fees charged by Riverty (including dispute fee!).
Example: -1635 for EUR -16,3498.
Predominantly - amount, but can be + in rare cases (e.g. EPA file contains more refunds than sales). If there are no fee records it will be 0.
total_refund_amount Integer The total refund amount, presenting returns by the customer.
Example: 133755 for EUR 1337,5511.
Always - amount, unless there are no refund records, then 0.
total_other_amount Integer The total other amount, presenting sum of amount for all other transaction types (Chargeback, VATCLA, Dispute Fee, Manual Correction etc.).
Example: -36732 for EUR -367,3212.
Always - amount, unless there are no records, then 0.
total_holdback_amount Integer The total holdback amount, presenting the amount that Riverty is holding back (rolling reserve). Reason for holdback is merchant exceeding the advanced payment limit (credit limit) amount, which covers for future refunds or other security reason.
Example: -15588 for EUR -155,8811.
Always - amount, unless there are no holdback records, then 0.
total_release_amount Integer The total release amount, presenting the amount that Riverty is releasing, which was previously held back due to the credit limit.
Example: 15588 for EUR 155,8811.
Always + amount, unless there are no release records, then 0.
previous_settlement_balance Integer Previous settlement balance. Relevant for reconciliation, especially if previous payout was negative or delayed.
Example: 17605 for EUR 176,0510
Can be + or - amount.
previous_payout Integer The total payout amount in the previous payout cycle.
Example: 17605 for EUR 176,0510.
Can be + or - amount.
total_settlement_amount Integer The total settlement amount that it will be transferred to the partner. Calculated as a sum of: total_sale_amount, total_fee_amount, total_refund_amount, total_chargeback_amount , total_holdback_amount, total_release_amount.
number_of_transactions Integer The total number of transactions settled in this batch.
Example: 2511
payment_reference Integer ID generated by Riverty.
Example: 22230120487.
Same ID will be visible on the bank transfer, in order to reconcile payment with EPA.
payout_date YYYYMMDD The date of the payout.
Example: 20231125
merchant_settlement_type String NET - Riverty fees are deducted from the payout.
GROSS - Full amount is transferred to the merchant, fees are not deducted
bank_account String The bank account in IBAN format of the merchant to be used for pay out.
Example: NL15ABNA01234567

Consolidated EPA Transactions

Directly below the header line are the transactions. Every line corresponds with one single transaction. The amount of transactions in the C-EPA file is depicted in the C-EPA header. Example:


Transaction records within an C-EPA file always starts with ‘D’ (for Detail). The table below describes the other variables in the transaction records and their format.

Variable Name Type Validation
record_type String (1) Constant string with ‘D’ for Details
SID String The Shop ID
Example: RTY1234567.
Shop ID was provided to the merchant/partner during the onboarding process.
type String SALE - captured order
REFUND - returned order
FEE - service fees charged by Riverty
HOLDBACK - amount held back by Riverty
RELEASE - amount released by Riverty
CHARGEBACK - disputes, where merchant is obliged to refund the customer (e.g. Fraud or goods not delivered)
DISPUTE - dispute fee related to chargeback
VATCLA - VAT claim back. If an Invoice is irrecoverable in Debt Collection, this invoice will be written off. The VAT of this invoice will be subtracted in the Settlement. You'll receive a separate document that can be used to recover the VAT by the Finance Authorities.
OTHER - other types that are not covered by any above listed, e.g. manual correction.
transaction_date YYYYMMDD Date of the transaction event.
Example: 20231125
amount Integer The original transaction amount, with two digits in the fractional part but no decimal point.
Example: 29950 for EUR 299.50
currency String ISO 4217, all caps.
Example: “EUR”
order_no String Order Number related to the transaction, submitted, mandatory, by merchant during authorization call.
Example: OFS400019761.
transaction_no String Invoice Number (captures) or Credit Note Number (refunds). If not submitted by merchant, generated by Riverty
Example: 88001188
transaction_reference String If passed by merchant, we will present it here. Otherwise, this field will be empty (null value)
parent_transaction_reference String The Parent Transaction Reference may be passed by the Payment Service Provider through the authorization or capture calls. If passed, we will present it here. Otherwise, this field will be empty (null value)

Naming Structure / Convention


Example: EPARTY1234567.2222555.20231125_DE.csv

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