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Data and Integration Overview

The Merchant Onboarding API enables our partners to make Riverty payment methods available in their merchant’s checkout within minutes. Simply send Riverty the merchant’s master data via the Merchant Onboarding API and receive test and live API keys in response. By sending our API keys to the our partners, instead of directly to merchants, we allow our partners to retain client contact.

Data Structure

Riverty uses the below ID system to organize partners, agreements, merchants and shops into a parent-child data structure.

More detailed Information about IDs and Contract can be found on our Onboarding IDs and Contacts Page.

Important notes:

  • A Partner can have multiple agreements (e.g. per country)
  • Merchants can have several webshops
  • Every webshop must have at least 1 active agreement

Partner Onboarding ID Hierarchy (6) (1).png

Partner Reference & Idempotency

The webshop object requires a unique partner reference (255 string length including letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores, but not other special characters). This reference must be created and provided by the partner. This partner reference is then used as the Idempotancy Key by Riverty’s system to stop duplicate processing of the same merchant. Duplicate merchant entries in Riverty’s system could cause improper processing of consumer transactions and merchant settlement.

Technical Integration with Riverty

Sequence Diagram

Onboarding API (2) (4).png

Merchant Onboarding via Partner

Merchant Onboarding is completed through the partner via the Merchant Onboarding API following the below three phases:

  1. Administration (Create Merchant / Add Shop)
  2. Implementation (Get Credentials)
  3. Go-live (First Transaction)
# Phase Steps
1 Administration Partner sends Merchant master data
2 Administration The onboarding API will validate the request and start the onboarding process. If the validation fails, feedback will be given otherwise the process continues with step 3.
3 Administration Riverty creates the Merchant in the LIVE and TEST environments.
4 Implementation The partner sends Get Credentials for fetching the API keys for LIVE and TEST environments (or will wait for Credentials Available before sending Get Credentials – see In Development section below)
5 Implementation In case the Merchant has several webshops and/or is active in multiple countries, the partner will first do the “new merchant & webshop” call and will afterwards do as many “add additional webshop” calls as needed, to receive TEST & LIVE API keys for each country/webshop combination
6 Implementation Riverty returns the API keys to the Partner.
7 Go-Live First Merchant transaction is placed.