To include this component to your webpage please ensure you have the following Riverty CDN scripts present in page HTML head tag:
<script type="module" src="" async="true"></script>
For a full overview of the Riverty Elements, please have a look at this Showcase.
Then, you can use riverty-invoice custom element snippet whereever the payment method should be displayed. Note: this element acts as a div and takes up a whole row in its parent container, also it is responsive and will change size based on the screen size.
Clicking on the Read More button opens a overlay modal which contains additional information about 14-day invoice.
Using slots you can have custom information in Read More modal.
Custom message must be in a div HTML tag container with slot="modal-body-inner" attribute:
<riverty-invoice language="nl">
<div slot="modal-body-inner">
<h1>Hello world!</h1>