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Choosing the language

HTML attribute 'language' should correspond to the language that the customer is using currently.

Supported languages:

  • English - "en"
  • German - "de"
  • Finnish - "fi"
  • Swedish - "sv-se"
  • Danish - "da"
  • Dutch - "nl"

Custom payInX obj

If you would like to populate easily you can choose pass into the "payInX" a json fallowing the example next.

  "payInX": [
      "installmentNumber": 1,
      "dueDate": "2023-02-01T00:00:00.000Z", // should be 30 days from now
      "dueAmount": 11.66
      "installmentNumber": 2,
      "dueDate": "2023-03-01T00:00:00.000Z", // should be 60 days from now
      "dueAmount": 11.66
      "installmentNumber": 3,
      "dueDate": "2023-04-01T00:00:00.000Z", // should be 90 days from now

Then, you can use riverty-split custom element snippet where the it should be displayed. Note: this element acts as a div and takes up a whole row in its parent container, also it is responsive and will change size based on the screen size.

Pay-in-X Element

Why Pay-in-X Element is Interesting

Riverty offers a Pay-in-X Element, which will show relevant and useful information about Pay-in-3 to the consumer before the checkout stage. This will ensure that consumers are aware of payment method, potentially leading to additional purchases.

How to Include Pay-in-3 Element

To include this component to your webpage please ensure you have the following Riverty CDN scripts present in page HTML head tag:

<script type="module" src="https://cdn.bnpl.riverty.io/elements/v1/build/riverty-elements.esm.js" async="true"></script>
<script nomodule src="https://cdn.bnpl.riverty.io/elements/v1/build/riverty-elements.js" async="true"></script>

For a full overview of the Riverty Elements, please have a look at this Showcase.

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