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Magento 1 Manual

Please be aware that Magento1 support is not available for new merchants. We recommend considering our supported Magento2 connection for a seamless integration.

(Back to Magento)


Magento is a popular eCommerce platform. Riverty has developed a plugin that easily integrates with a Magento-based webshop. It is a simple way to let your customers start using Riverty at checkout.

We offer 3 different payment options:

  • 14-day invoice - This is the default 14-day invoice payment method in Riverty. It is always available in every market where Riverty operates. It is primarily meant for business-to-consumer sales.
  • Direct Debit - This is a Direct Debit version of the 14-day invoice payment method Instead of receiving an invoice to be paid via their bank, the customer enters their bank details, and the money is immediately deducted from their bank account.
  • Instalments - This is a Part Payment invoice. The customer can split their purchase over multiple monthly fixed payments.
  • B2B invoice - This is the B2B consumer version of the default 14-day invoice payment method in Riverty.

The payment methods that are available via this plugin are:

Country 14-day invoice Direct Debit Fixed Instalments B2B Invoice
Germany x x x
Austria x x x
Switzerland x
Netherlands x x x
Belgium x
Sweden x x
Norway x x
Finland x x
Denmark x x

What you need

  1. A Magento instance, installed on your webserver. You also need FTP access to that server.
  2. An API key. For testing purposes, you can get a test key from your Account Manager at Riverty.

When you are ready to go live, contact your Account Manager at Riverty. They will configure your webshop in the backend, and give you the Production API key.

You will also need to include the Riverty logos and Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policy links in your webshop's design.

Getting Started

Get the Plugin

Note: There are two versions of the Riverty plugin - one for Magento v1.9.x, and one for Magento 2 and later. They are not mutually compatible. If you have a Magento 1.9 webshop, you cannot use the Magento 2 plugin, and vice versa.

To install the Riverty plugin for Magento 1.9.x:

  • Download the latest version of the plugin: AfterPay-Magento-Plugin-3-3.zip
  • The download will be an archive (ZIP File). Extract it to a folder on your
    hard drive.
  • Connect to your webserver via FTP.
    • FTP is the protocol for uploading files and directories to webservers. If
      you need an FTP client, try WinSCP
    • If you don't know the FTP credentials (URL, username and password),
      contact your hosting company.
  • Find the Magento root folder (such as yourwebsite.com/magento/
    (http://yourwebsite.com/magento/)) and copy the contents of the extracted
    download to that folder.
    • If you are prompted to overwrite some files, confirm it.
    • The download has three folders: 'app', 'lib', and 'skin'. The Magento root
      folder will have all three of these, and more.
  • Open the Magento admin panel in a web browser. (It should be a URL
    like https://yoursite.com/magento1/index.php/admin123)
  • Go to System > Cache management > Flush cache. This forces Magento to
    look and recognize that a new plugin is available.
  • Log out of the Magento admin panel and log in again. This forces Magento to
    recognize your access permissions for the new plugin.

That's it! If you did not get any errors, you should have Riverty installed in your
Magento webshop. Go to System > Configuration > Sales and click on Riverty.

If this section has not appeared, repeat steps 5 and 6. If that did not help, please contact your Key Account Manager for help.

Update the Plugin

To install a new version of the plugin, download the new version below and repeat the installation process.


Once you have your Auth keys for all the countries where you will be offering Riverty, the next step is to configure the plugin's settings.

  1. Open the Magento Admin Panel.
  2. Go to System > Configuration > Sales > Riverty.
  3. Expand the sections, and !ll them in as described below.

Minimum Configuration

The Riverty plugin has lots of settings for fexibility. Not all of these are required for simple integrations.
The absolute minimum configuration is:

  • General Settings > Module enabled > Yes
  • Tax Settings > set the tax classes as per your local regulations
  • XX - Digital Invoice >
    • Portfolio enabled > Yes
    • Mode > Test
    • Test API Key > enter the string you got from your Key Account Manager

Now you can test the behavior and appearance of Riverty in your webshop.

General Settings

Screenshot magento 1.png

Setting Description
Module enabled Select Yes to offer Riverty in your webshop.
Show advanced settings Select Yes to expand additional settings. These are optional, and Riverty will still work if you ignore them. This applies to all Settings tabs, not just General Settings!
Debug Select E-mail to send email alerts whenever the Riverty plugin encounters an error. Select Log to write these errors to Magento's log files. The application logs are in /var/log/Afterpay_Afterpay.log. The system logs are in /var/log/Afterpay_Afterpay_Exception.log.
Debug E-mail The address where error alerts will be sent.
Success URL The page displayed to the customer upon a successful checkout with Riverty. This can be a special page on your webshop, or MyAfterPay.com, or something else.
Validation URL The page displayed to the customer if the call sent by the webshop to Riverty was faulty. This can be a page encouraging the customer to contact the webshop for help, etc.
Failure URL The page displayed to the customer if the purchase was actively denied by Riverty. (For example, a failed credit check.) This can be a page encouraging the customer to contact the webshop for help, etc
Auto-Invoice Select Yes if you want Magento to consider a purchase to be fully paid when it is accepted by Riverty.
Send Invoice Mail Select Yes to have Magento send an email for each successful purchase in addition to Riverty's invoice email. Recommended to leave at No. The customer will receive only one email about the purchase - their invoice from Riverty.
Separate Discount Select Yes to show product discounts as separate invoice line items in Riverty invoices. This is recommended for proper invoice handling by Riverty.

Capture Settings

A Capture () happens when the webshop confirms that all goods have been shipped to the customer. At that point, the money that was reserved for this purchase is transferred to the merchant's Riverty settlement account.

Setting Description
Capture Mode If this is set to Enabled, the Riverty plugin will automatically send a Capture call for each purchase right away. If this is set to Disabled, you must ensure that a Capture call is sent to the Riverty eCommerce API separately from Magento. (For example, this API call can be made by your warehouse/stock management system when you mark an order as Shipped - using the same Auth key and Order Number.) You can also make a manual Capture call in the Magento backend by going to Sales > Orders > View > Invoice > Amount: Capture Online.
Status Capture Request Accepted If Capture Mode is Enabled, this will be the status of a Magento invoice after a successful automatic Capture call.
Status Capture Request Refused If Capture Mode is Enabled, this will be the status of a Magento invoice if the automatic Capture call fails. If this happens, make a separate Capture call using the same Auth key and Order Number, or contact your Key Account Manager for help.

Refund Settings

If Enable refunding is set to Yes, you will be able to issue refunds on purchases from Magento, and they will be correctly handled in Riverty.

If it is set to No, you will have to handle any refunds on Riverty purchases separately (for example, by manually sending money to the customer's bank account).

Tax Settings

These settings determine how Value-Added Tax (https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/business/vat_en) is applied to different
categories of invoice line items (such as goods, shipping fees, gift cards, downloads, subscriptions, etc.). In some countries, certain items such as books, food, event tickets, etc. may have VAT rates that are smaller than usual, or even zero.

These rules must be configured to ensure that Riverty handles tax, invoicing and settlement correctly.

This relies on the correct configuration of taxes elsewhere in the Magento Admin Panel. For more information, please see Magento's documentation on taxes (https://docs.magento.com/m1/ce/user_guide/tax/taxes.html).

If you are not sure which tax rates apply to which of your products, please contact a local accountant

Setting Description
Low VAT tax classes Select the line item category that is charged at a reduced VAT rate.
Zero VAT tax classes Select the line item category that is charged at a VAT rate of zero. Note: This is not the same as being exempt from VAT!
High VAT tax classes Select the line item category that is charged at the full VAT rate.
No VAT tax classes Select the line item category that is not subject to VAT. Note: This is not the same as being charged at a VAT rate of zero! This category is usually for things like shipping fees or gift cards.
Tax class for Discount Select which category's tax rules apply to discount amounts. This usually depends on whether you apply discounts to a product's gross price, or net price. If you apply a discount to a price that already includes tax, the share of tax that is now in the discount must be handled correctly.

Portfolios, Country-Specific and Method-Specific Settings

The rest of the Riverty plugin settings are various portfolios. These are collections of settings for different countries and Riverty payment methods. You don't need to enable and configure all of these - only the ones that you want to offer to your customers.

There are separate portfolios for each country. These are identified by the ISO standard two-letter country code: NL - Netherlands, BE - Belgium, DE - Germany, AT - Austria, CH - Switzerland, SE - Sweden, NO - Norway, FI - Finland, DK - Denmark.

In addition to country-specific settings, there are also a few unspecified Portfolios that you can enable and modify as you like. These generic portfolios have a wider range of options.

  • XX - Digital Invoice - This is the default 14-Day Invoice payment method in Riverty. It is always available in every market where Riverty operates. It is primarily meant for business-to-consumer sales.
  • XX - Direct Debit - This is a Direct Debit version of the 14-Day Invoice payment method. Instead of receiving an invoice to be paid via their bank, the customer enters their bank details, and the money is immediately deducted from their bank account.
  • XX - Digital Invoice for B2B - This is a 14-Day Invoice for business-to-business sales. It is handled slightly differently in terms of tax, etc.
  • XX - Installments - This is the payment method for using Fixed Part Payments.
    • This needs to be enabled and configured for your webshop in the Riverty backend. Before enabling this portfolio, please contact your Account Manager to set it up.
    • Make sure you configure the Minimal Amount to match the backend configuration, to avoid a rejected API call on every checkout.
  • Portfolio X - In addition to country-specific settings, there are also a few unspecified portfolios that you can enable and modify as you like. These generic portfolios have a wider range of options.

If you have Advanced Settings disabled, then non-generic portfolios will hide many of the optional settings.

To show all possible settings for all portfolios, go to General settings > Show advanced settings and set it to Yes.

Use Ctrl+F to find a particular setting on this page.

Setting Description
Portfolio Enabled If this is set to Yes, this Riverty payment method will be available to customers in this country.
Show payment method only for certain IP addresses During testing, you may want to make Riverty visible only for people in your office, and not your customers. Enter the external IP addresses of visitors to your webshop who will see Riverty. (If you want to know the external IP address of the computer and connection you are currently using, go to Google.com and search for "what is my IP".)
Hide payment method only for certain IP addresses If you want to make Riverty unavailable for orders coming from certain locations/networks, enter those external IP addresses here.
Mode Select Test to use the test Auth key. Select Live to use the real, production Auth key. This is useful if you already have a working webshop, but would like to switch back to testing mode for a short time.
Live API Key The Auth key for real transactions. You will get this from your Key Account Manager in the last stage of the process.
Test API Key The Auth key for test transactions. You can get this from your Key Account Manager.
Live merchantID You will get this from your Key Account Manager in the last stage of the process. Belgium and Netherlands only.
Test merchantID You can get this from your Key Account Manager.Belgium and Netherlands only.
Portfolio ID You can get this from your Key Account Manager.Belgium and Netherlands only.
Live Password You will get this from your Key Account Manager in the last stage of the process.Belgium and Netherlands only.
Test Password You can get this from your Key Account Manager. Belgium and Netherlands only.
Merchant ID This is used to distinguish multiple webshops (with different branding) that use the same API key. It ensures that the right branding is used on invoices, etc. You can get this from your Key Account Manager.
Portfolio country Select the customer's country of residence, for purposes of Riverty's invoice handling.
Portfolio type B2C - Business-to-consumer (selling directly to individuals); B2B - Business-to-business (selling to companies) - B2B invoices are handled differently for purposes of taxes, etc.
Show bankaccount input field If Yes, the customer must provide their bank account details (IBAN) at checkout.
Show bankcode input field If Yes, the customer must provide their bank's BIC/SWIFT number at checkout.
Show gender input field If Yes, the customer must provide their salutation (Mr/Ms) at checkout.
Show phone number input field If Yes, the customer must provide their phone number at checkout.
Show date of birth input field If Yes, the customer must provide their birth date at checkout.
Show social security number input field If Yes, the customer must provide their national ID number at checkout.
Show terms and conditions checkbox If Yes, the customer must check the box at checkout, confirming that they agree with Riverty's Terms and Conditions.
Portfolio area Frontend - the portfolio will be visible to customers in your webshop.; Backend - the portfolio will only be visible to staff using the Magento Admin Panel.; Both - the portfolio will be visible to both customers and staff.
Portfolio label The name of the portfolio (payment method), shown to customers at checkout.
Portfolio footnote A very brief description of the payment method, shown to customers at checkout.
Portfolio extended information A longer description of the payment method, shown to customers where space permits.
Minimal Amount The smallest purchase that a customer can make in your webshop when paying with Riverty. If the total sum of the shopping cart is lower than this number, this portfolio is not displayed as a payment option. If you know that a portfolio has a minimum amount in its Riverty backend configuration (such as Installment Profiles) or risk/credit check, use the same value in this setting. This avoids unnecessary API calls to Riverty on checkout, which will always be rejected due to business logic, but will slow down your webshop's checkout experience.
Maximum Amount The biggest purchase that a customer can make in your webshop when paying with Riverty. If the total sum of the shopping cart is higher than this number, this portfolio is not displayed as a payment option.
Maximum Amount for New Riverty Customers As above, but only applicable to customers who have not purchased from your webshop using Riverty before. There is no check to see if they are already an Riverty customer through a different webshop.
Status Accepted No Invoice This is the status of an order that has been accepted by the webshop, but not shipped yet; and Magento will not issue a separate invoice for this order. This is usually the status of an order that has been Authorized but not Captured. The webshop may find that it is out of stock, etc., and void the customer's order before the money is charged.
Status Pending This is the status of an order that has been accepted by the webshop, but not shipped yet. This is usually the status of an order that has been Authorized but not Captured. The webshop may find that it is out of stock, etc., and void the customer's order before the money is charged.
Status Accepted This is the status of an order that has been Captured.
Status Refused This is the status of an order that received a negative response from Riverty (failed credit check, etc.)
Allowed Countries Select Specific Countries to make this portfolio available to customers in selected countries only. Otherwise, the portfolio will be available to all your customers.
Payment from Specific Country If Allowed Countries is set to Specific Countries, select the countries here. Hold down Shift or Ctrl while clicking to select multiple countries.
Allowed Client groups Select Specific client groups to make this portfolio available to customers in selected client groups only. Otherwise, the portfolio will be available to all your customers. Client groups are configured elsewhere in the Magento Admin Panel.
Not allowed by shipping methods If you select any specific shipping methods here, this portfolio will NOT be available for orders with that shipping method.
Advisory process Set to No unless your Key Account Manager tells you otherwise.
Sort order Set to 1 to make this the first (top) payment option shown to customers at checkout. If you are using several Riverty portfolios in the same country, then you can set others to 2 or more.

Presentation at Checkout

The Riverty plugin for Magento already comes with the correct Terms & Conditions, logos, etc. Everything should display correctly on your checkout page by default.

We recommend that you set the following values under the Riverty plugin settings:

  • Sort Order = 1
    • If you have multiple Riverty payment methods for the same country, give them the lowest possible (but different) sort order numbers.
  • Show terms and conditions checkbox = Yes
    -If you don't see this checkbox, go to the General Settings section and enable Advanced Settings.

For more information, or if you want to customize your checkout page further, please see Riverty's Display Guidelines.

Release Notes


  • Customers in the Netherlands can now enjoy our latest payment option, 'Pay in 3'.


  • We're constantly striving to enhance the checkout process, and as such, we've made it even smoother by removing checkboxes for the Terms and Conditions and eliminating the Gender form field.
  • The Riverty PHP Library has been upgraded to version 3.8.0, providing improved performance and stability.
  • To ensure we always have the latest legal information, we now source it directly from the available payment methods API call.
  • In the backend configuration, we've refined the naming of payment methods to make them easier to identify and manage.


  • We've resolved a translation issue in the frontend, ensuring a seamless and accurate user experience.


  • Implemented available payment methods in the checkout for REST payment methods.
  • Added plugin provider data in API requests.


  • Update the AfterPay PHP Library to version 3.6.0.
  • Checked and changed titles and taglines for SOAP payment methods


  • Update the AfterPay PHP Library to version 3.5.1
  • Added the possibility for merchant specific terms and conditions
  • Updated the logo in the checkout


  • Update the AfterPay PHP Library to version 2.4
  • Sent in full first name instead of initials for NL and BE requests
  • Added French translations of frontend fields, rejections and validations for French speaking customers in Belgium.
  • Added groupId element for REST requests.
  • Added profile tracking to German payment methods.
  • Added sandbox connection for REST payment methods.
  • Added product images and urls to authorization request.
  • Checked compatibility with shipment provider SendCloud, MyParcel and PostNL.
  • Added NL and BE payment methods through REST.


  • Removed pending/push functionality for Belgium (SOAP)
  • Terms and conditions are always visible now and not configurable anymore.
  • Removed advisoryprocess from the payment methods.


  • Birthday field is now activated by default for Belgium Digital Invoice
  • Fixed issue with refunding fixed price bundles
  • Fixed problem with submitting multiple bundled products.


  • Added new urls for terms and conditions and privacy statement
  • Fixed issue with partial refunds in Germany
  • Checked auto invoice and capturing default settings.
  • By default show terms and conditions checkbox.


  • Correct translation when incorrect CoC number is entered.
  • In Germany error message for incorrect invoice address was shown, even when the delivery address was incorrect. This is now fixed.


  • Added payment method installments for Germany and Austria
  • Added payment method direct debit for Germany and Austria
  • Added preparations for payment method installments for Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark
  • You can now use the functionality of negative adjustments in refund
  • Issue where minimum amount of showing payment method only works when maximum amount is filled in, is now fixed
  • If vat amount is not set, set a default of 0 to avoid empty value notices
  • Correct default value for automatic invoicing


  • Added compatibility with the latest version IWD Checkout Module


  • Changed payment method description to AfterPay display guidelines


  • Fixed bug where Austria was the default country for Dutch payment methods on a clean install


  • Added new ways to get the correct IP address and added support for Cloudflare IP addresses.
  • Implemented new translations for Denmark
  • Added 2018 to copyright notice


  • Fixed problem with showing configuration fields (PHP warning was showing instead)
  • Fixed problem with refunding in Germany resuling in memory and timeout error.
  • Fixed bug showing notice: Undefined variable: country


  • Updated to AfterPay Library 1.6.0
  • Add AfterPay Austria (open invoice) as payment method
  • Add AfterPay Switzerland (open invoice) as payment method
  • Add AfterPay Sweden (open invoice) as payment method
  • Add AfterPay Finland (open invoice) as payment method
  • Add AfterPay Denmark (open invoice) as payment method
  • Add AfterPay Norway (open invoice) as payment method
  • Updated sort order options
  • Added new field for social security number
  • Make address correction also respond on return code 200.101


  • Bugfix on typo with paymentmethodcode
  • Fix to send the correct city of the ‘pakje_gemak’ pickup point


  • Replaces + sign in phone number country code for 00 (example: +31 will be 0031)
  • Correct German translation for validation message on phone numb


  • Tested compatibility with Magento
  • Translation update
  • Added (sub)merchant id to German portfolio to improve support for multishops


  • Updated to AfterPay Library 1.4.0
  • Tested compatibility with Patch SUPEE-10266 (Magento
  • DE: Sending VAT amounts in the authorisation and refund request
  • BE: Solved bug which caused the inability to capture Belgian orders
  • Solved bug which caused problems with sending additional information


  • Added new dedicated payment methods for all Dutch, Belgian and German payment methods
  • Added Dutch and German translations
  • Added German address feedback
  • Add setRest method to enable REST communication


  • Updated to AfterPay Library 1.2.9
  • Removed pregmatch from description because of many special characters in Germany
  • Improved way to sent mails based on Magento standards (ticket #244)
  • Show footnote on German payment method
  • Make terms and conditions configurable for Germany
  • Updated refund method, removed partial dependency method because all refunds are partial refunds
  • Set default gender in Netherlands to Woman
  • If gender is set in default Magento, use that, else use from AfterPay form
  • Germany needs no date of birth
  • If discount is calculated in Magento, use seperate rule with explanation only in Netherlands
  • Set margin of check on full invoices to 5 cents
  • Get prefix for compatiblity with Paazl
  • Cleaned up code to match coding standards
  • Use new debug functionality
  • Changed address line in German address feedback
  • Checked compatibility with latest FireCheckout Module 3.11.2 (#243)


  • Bugfixed observer, problem with not watching right payment methods


  • Compatible with Magento Enterprise store credits
  • Compatible with Magento Enterprise reward points


  • Show portfolio based on ip(s): now part of portfolio settings
  • New: hide portfolio based on ip(s). Useful when using AfterPay in-store (you need a separate portfolio)
  • New: show current ip address (in portfolio settings), for easy copy-pasting in to the ip fields
  • Removed: ip restriction in general settings
  • Send pick-up address as delivery address, when using POSTNL Pakjegemak pick-up option. Compatible with the POSTNL and MyParcel extension


  • Fixed typo for rejection messages with Belgium phonenumber
  • Bugfix: Items of bundled products with options get correct vat data


  • Memory problem in order proces
  • On failed capture, order status changes as set in the options


  • Compatible with Magento CE


  • Payment method description now visible on invoice PDF
  • 8More improvements for sending the correct IP when using (caching) proxy’s
  • 9Layout fixes when using FireCheckout
  • PHP Notice error in combination with bankaccountnumber solved


  • Filtering of special characters in product titles etc. to prevent issues


  • Better validation messages for AfterPay Belgium
  • Fix for certain bundled products not working (check on quantity & price in bundled products)


  • Title of payment fee is now ‘Afterpay Servicekosten’ instead of ‘Afterpay Fee’
  • Added option to send the invoice email (default off)


  • Compatibility fix for Idev_OneStepCheckout, Fee amount not doubled
  • Replaced some empty() functions for compatability with older PHP versions
  • Problem with TIG PostNL – check if config_state is available before if statement
  • Added check to generation of totals if there are shipping totals (in case of virtual products)
  • Missing FEE description and amount in transactional emails & PDFs


  • Fixed redirect issue caused by empty array and causing less showing of error messsages
  • Fixed problem with Bundled product with fixed price not being refunded
  • Fixed problem with failing captures with products containing parents (bundles and configurables)
  • Fixed wrong VAT category used in refund, on orders with discounts


  • Removed unneeded B2B fields
  • Improved layout in IWD and OneStepCheckout checkout
  • Option to hide payment method based on ip


  • Fix for unneeded orderlines when service fee is not used
  • Improved ip filtering
  • Fix for gender related issues in IWD and OneStepCheckout checkout


  • Compatible with Fooman Surcharge
  • Payment fee is now separate extension, option to disable or remove


  • Fix for issues with AfterPay service fee
  • Fix for wrong VAT category on refund


  • Option to separate capture from Magento invoice (advanced, use only corporation with AfterPay)
  • Compatible with Magento
  • Compatible with Magento Enterprise


  • Fix for Magento invoice not created on new order
  • Fix for wrong VAT categories used in refunds with Magento Enterprise


  • Set seperate redirect URLs for rejection and validation error
  • Possibility to enable or disable AfterPay Checkout Fields
  • Compatible with Magento
  • New AfterPay logo


  • Fix for using a comma value in service fee
  • Fix for using percentage in service fee


  • Magento invoice and capture trigger on creating shipment
  • Magento invoice and capture trigger on specific order status


  • Fixed issues with creating orders in Magento backend
  • Fixed fatal error issues with bundled products


  • Fixed problem with double servicefee in Magento Enterprise Edition
  • Fixed problem not sending order emails in Magento Enterprise Edition


  • Magento invoice and capture trigger on creating shipment
  • Magento invoice and capture trigger on specific order status


  • Fixed issues with creating orders in Magento backend
  • Fixed fatal error issues with bundled products


  • Fixed problem with double servicefee in Magento Enterprise Edition
  • Fixed problem not sending order emails in Magento Enterprise Edition


  • Removed AfterPay logo, supporttab and coloring information in adminhtml
  • Created extentive support for bundled products with flexible pricing. Send in detail with the correct vat category


  • Fixed problem with template file showing portfolio information
  • Fixed problem showing the correct vat amount on the service fee in the backend on orders, invoices, credit notes and pdf
  • Fixed posibility for using the adjustment fees when refunding in Magento
  • Fee not showing in One Step Checkout, when AfterPay is selected, but shipping is not.


  • Fixed problem with template file showing portfolio information
  • Fixed problem showing the correct vat amount on the service fee in the backend on orders, invoices, credit notes and pdf
  • Fixed posibility for using the adjustment fees when refunding in Magento
  • Fee not showing in One Step Checkout, when AfterPay is selected, but shipping is not.
  • Fixed vat category on refund with discount
  • Fixed view in IDEV Onestepcheckout (including vat and after shipping)
  • Fixed double order confirmation mails
  • Fixed calculation on service fee when percentage is used
  • Compatibility increase with the PostNL and Buckaroo Module
  • Several small bugfixes and language improvements


  • Support for extra refund fields (refund amount and refund fee)
  • Compatible with Magento
  • Compatible with IWD Onestepcheckout 4.08
  • The following order line is only showed when the order contains discount: ‘De stuksprijs is incl. eventuele korting’
  • Possibility to add status to failed captures


  • Compatible with Magento
  • Compatible with Magento Security Update (PATCH_SUPEE-6285_CE_1.9.1.1_v1 en PATCH_SUPEE-6285_CE_1.9.1.1_v2)
  • Compatible with IWD Onestepcheckout 4.08
  • Compatible with TIG_PostNL Module (probleem with service fee)
  • Structural naming change (TIG_Afterpay now Afterpay_Afterpay).
  • Removed non-risk posibility.
  • SOAP endpoint changed from api.afterpay.nl to mijn.afterpay.nl
  • New trademarks added to back and frontend
  • Merchant ID on portefolio setting instead of general settings
  • Modus (test/live) only on portfolio setting
  • Improvement in sending IP adresses for loadbalancers and Cloudflare environments


  • Improvement in testing with IP restriction
  • Fix for order confirmation mail for Magento version
  • Refund on alternative merchant ID
  • Servicekosten view improvement
  • Several small bugfixes and language improvements