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DigiWallet is a digital wallet and payment service provider that facilitates secure online payments across various industries, including e-commerce and digital services.

Website: https://www.digiwallet.nl/

Type: PSP


This guide describes the steps to quickly install, configure, test and activate the Riverty payment methods in your DigiWallet connected store.

DigiWallet currently offers this payment method:

  • 14-day invoice - This is the default 14-day invoice payment method in Riverty. It is primarily meant for business-to-consumer sales.
  • Direct Debit - This is a Direct Debit version of the 14-day invoice payment method Instead of receiving an invoice to be paid via their bank, the customer enters their bank details, and the money is immediately deducted from their bank account.
  • B2B invoice - This is the B2B consumer version of the default 14-day invoice payment method in Riverty.

The available payment methods per country for DigiWallet can be found in this table:

Country 14-day invoice Direct Debit Campaign invoice Fixed instalments Flex payment B2B invoice
The Netherlands x x x
Belgium x


In this chapter we will explain how you can configure Riverty for your DigiWallet connected webshop(s).

Configure test mode

At this point you should have received the API keys from Riverty. If this is not the case you can reach out to your contact person at Riverty or to sales@afterpay.nl.

Once you received the keys from Riverty you can forward them to sales@targetmedia.eu. DigiWallet will respond to this mail with the confirmation that they configured the keys for test. Please follow the instructions of DigiWallet to make Riverty accessible for you to start testing. DigiWallet's AfterPay API documentation can be found here https://www.digiwallet.nl/nl/documentation/afterpay

Note - The orders that are send to our test environment are not processed, invoiced and paid. We recommend testing Riverty in a non-publicly accessible test environment, in order to prevent real orders from coming in during the test phase. If this is not possible, we advise you to block the payment method based on IP address or clearly indicate that the payment method is in test mode if this is also not possible.