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Payment Method Presentation

Riverty offers a variety of payment options designed to fit into the standard ecommerce checkout experience.

To get the best experience out of Riverty Payments please follow these types of integrations:

Below is a short recap of how each payment method checkout selection is shown and best practice for displaying them. More detailed information can be found in the merchant playbooks linked at the bottom of this page.

Standard Checkout Formatting

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Merchant-Specific Consolidated Invoice

Riverty makes it possible to generate a merchant-specific consolidated invoice as a standalone Riverty payment option for specific verticals. This allows all purchases made by the customer within a given payment period to be combined into a single invoice. If consolidated invoice is used, no other Riverty payment options are presented at checkout.

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Payment Method Availability

Country 14- or 30-Day Invoice Campaign Invoice Consolidated Invoice Fixed Installments Direct Debit Pay in 3 B2B Invoice

Merchant Playbook

You can check the Merchant Playbook to get more information about payment options and how they are presented at checkout.

Merchant Playbook - German version

Merchant Playbook - English version

Merchant Playbook - Dutch version